Thursday, 13 February 2014

Fun in February (despite floods)

My husband's birthday falls in February which calls for some cake, yay!  I admit I did not bake the biscuits but found them in the sale isle of a supermarket for 25p a pack (Christmas stock) with icing pens, red balls and ribbons making this an easy make.  The cake was a very simple Victoria sponge but by far the best I've ever made, despite using the exact same recipe and utensils/ cooker etc.  It was a big hit with the Birthday Boy

There has been so much rain here as many will have seen on the news.  It's difficult to keep younger children occupied in doors so I was pleased when the rain ceased for a day.  Out came the chalks, hats and coats and the girls played outside for over an hour, happily drawing pictures, playing hop scotch and I had a quiet cup of tea.

No arguments or pestering; just giggles, hops and jumps that certainly made the tea taste better.

On the rainy days, I have been taking the girls to the library (which we can almost see from our drive- very close indeed).  Fiona is just learning to read  and really enjoys an hour there exploring her growing awareness of words while Lydia likes the new books and also the putting them away again.  There are pictures and pencils for when she gets bored and of course, there are grown up's books too (for when we get bored).

I borrowed these 2 books which I love for different reasons.  Living in a rented flat has made me think about the home differently.  The items we're buying are usually 2nd hand and so not always to our desired taste as function and cost are the deciding factors.  The Pearl Lowe 'Vintage Craft' has been inspiring as she encourages you  to upcycle in simple but effective ways.  There are loads of books doing the same but I particularly like her style and she gives a little intro to the chapters which I've loved reading.

The other book is also amazing!  It's called 'Crochet at Play' by Kay Golding which I picked it up and saw a few projects and decided I wanted to take it home.  On getting it home, I discovered there were several projects which had been featured in Mollie Makes which I had earmarked and even posted to Facebook.  I've since seen it in 'The Works' for £5 and will most definitely be purchasing a copy.  There are hats, cardigan's, toys, novelty items and interior  bits- nearly all of which I really want to try.  I even bought some cotton yarn to attempt the star shaped rug for Michael's room which is slowly coming together,

So, despite the floods here in Worcestershire, we're having fun and half term hasn't started yet!

Monday, 3 February 2014

Getting Organised

I posted pics a while back of a cabinet I was working on for my craft room.  Well my 'sewing space' has been very cold and damp which meant I couldn't spend much time down there and then it was messy and I couldn't justify sorting it out until the rest of the flat was sorted.  A visit from the Landlord resulted in lots of new heaters, windows and painting being done thus I have finally started getting myself organised.  We are not all completely well so the process is still a little slower than I would like and it is amidst weaning the little man and going back to work.  However, progress I have made and here are some pics!

The said £20 cabinet/cupboard.

My choice of paint- possibly not the best paint as it was gloss and I would have preferred a chalk finish but it did the job (4 coats though!)

I admit I began to panic at this point as the paint looked very thin.  But 3 more coats and I was happier.  I decided to add some gold painted detail around the window panes for a little lift and am contemplating some stencilled golden birds and foliage up the sides in true Victorian fashion.

It's current place in my sewing room filled with fabric (what is left of my stash after a huge ruthless clear out)

This is yet to be properly organised but the box in the middle has my collection of Mollie Makes gifts which I will eventually get round to making up.  They're so pretty that I haven't wanted to attempt them but end up ruining them.  I also have my dressmaking patterns in my mum's old sewing basket (right) and the pink box contains my ribbons which are too nice to remain under a lid (left).

How my sewing room looks today.  More pics to come when I finish decorating it (and tidying!)