Monday, 25 February 2013

Craft Fair

As you will know from previous posts, I had a craft fair at the weekend and thought I would upload a few pics from the day.  I met some lovely fellow crafters who I am sure I will see more  of.  I will do one more fair this weekend and then that will be it until after the baby is born I think!  I have also added a couple of pics of my finished quilts that I was busy with last week.  I have another project up my sleeve which I will share in a day or so.
 This was my stall at the beginning of the fair although I did lift the maiden onto the stage so people could get a better view of the quilts.  I had wanted to make up a mini-bedroom but there simply wasn't the space.

This Quilt had been cut out and was waiting to be sewed together for months.  I have received a commission  to make a cushion cover like this for the coming craft fair.  I hope to get a few better pics of the other quilts in case they too sell, never to be seen by me again :D

This is Lisa Greenwood of Sacred Soul Creations.  Her cushions were made of beautiful fabrics and finished excellently.

 This is Yvette Wood from Butterbees gifts.  She had cute flannels shaped into creatures in addition to other funnies.  She can be found on Facebook.
 Here are the ladies from cakestreat, who can also be found on facebook.  I didn't actually taste any of their cakes on this occasion as I have lost my sweet tooth this time around.  They looked lovely though and I will be sure to try next time!
 A fantastic stall from Debbie of Northern Star Jewellery.  She can be found on  There was a prize for best stall on the day and Debbie gets my vote for a good selection and variety of jewellery with great presentation.

 This was my neighbours stall Sandra Hepworth who was such good company for the afternoon.  her pieces are all handmade and range from leather to felt work.  She has many individual unique pieces and I hope to see her again soon.
 Damian and Linda Ord have created Ordy's Homemade Chutney's and Preserves and can be found on twitter.  Again my pregnancy hormones prevented me from sampling their wares due to heartburn this time -boo.  There was a great selection though and Damian was very friendly.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

mini marvels

I hope this will be first of a series of posts today as I have been a busy bee sewing this week.  It has been half term so we've had both girls at home all day which has created more of a challenge in finding the time and also because whenever I get things out to begin, my eldest becomes very interested.  So I will upload some pics in a little while as I have had to charge my camera overnight.  My latest mini marvel (Okay, it's just a handbag charm/ keyring) will be on the project 52 page shortly, but here's a pic of the finished project.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Scarf totes

I'll be updating the project 52 page shortly with my latest creations- yes, plural, I was fairly busy this week! These were made using half of an old paisley scarf which I cut into sections to be appliquéd onto the bags.  I'll say more in the full post on the project 52 page, but will say here and now that the pictures aren't the best.  I twisted my ankle and so I haven't been moving around much or carrying my camera around to get pictures at each stage of the creations.

Enjoy perusing x

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Bargain quilt

Thinking of charity shop buys this week made me appreciate my favourite all time bargain which was a patchwork quilt with crochet centres for £5!  Now that I know how much effort goes into each quilt, I feel awful for the poor lady (or Gentleman) who put all those hours into the quilt, which was then sold so cheaply.  However, it is loved and appreciated very much.  Here it is in my dining room/ sewing room with a few other pics of my arranged fabrics and ribbons et al.

  Newly organised ribbon box.  It's not likely to stay like this though!
My Fabric shelf.  You may notice some little ladies poised within the folds of material.  They are creations of mine also which I hope to make more of in the future but they are still in the early stages!  Amongst the material are my magazines and books all within easy reach for inspiration if it is needed.

It may not be the most stylish room, but it is functional and I am very grateful to have this amount of space.  My sister regularly admonishes me for my grumbling about wanting it to be prettier when she doesn't have space for even a sewing machine :s  *whisper* If I could though I'd love something like one of these:

Thursday, 7 February 2013

wk 5 dress

Just a quick post to say the new project is now on the Project 52 page.  Here's a peek.  I have a few more things to share but have a busy night so it may be tomorrow before I get to post.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

thrifted bargains

I will be posting my latest creation in the Project 52 page a little later but wanted to share a pic of the bargains I picked up this week in a couple of charity shops.
I love vintage embroidered table cloths and have quite a selection growing.  For 99p, I couldn't resist this little square linen one.  I will take some more pics of my favourite ones and upload soon.   
I have purchased a few jugs over the last 18 months only to have them be broken by workmen etc.  These were both reduced and I fell in love with the floral one.  Sadly, it isn't quite as pretty as it's predecessor but it's a good shape and size and will be perfect for summer bbq's.  The plain glass one will be used for all other everyday purposes in the hope of prolonging the life of this one. The other items include a bag of chocolate brown aran wool (possibly for a winter waistcoat for our new addition) and a peach floral sheet/  I also picked up a large fisher price garage for £1 and an Early Learners cottage (which has buttons with 4 sounds e.g. doorbell and phone).  I didn't get a pic of these as they were whisked away to be played with.  So less than a £10 spent on lots of little lovelies =happy girl xo